- エアロゾル・スクエア
- [New]【環境省係長級職員(分析実習指導教官・一般職相当)採用 選考案内
郵送の場合:〒359-0042 埼玉県所沢市並木3-3 環境省環境調査研修所庶務課
電子メールの場合:kensyu_saiyou*env.go.jp (*を@に変換してください)
ホームページ "https://neti.env.go.jp/news/news_00017.html"
- エアロゾル・スクエア
- 【公募】化学物理工学 講師または准教授(女性, 任期無し, 独立研究室)Open recruitment of Senior Asst. Prof. or Assoc. Prof (PI, Tenured)
Organization:Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
As part of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology “Career Design Program for Female Faculty Members” program, we invite female applicants for a position as Senior Asst. Prof. or Assoc. Prof. in the Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering. She can manage her own research group with startup funds, and other supports for establishing research environment in consultation with her mentors. She will be reviewed for promotion after 5 years of employment. The evaluation for promotion will be based on her achievements in research and education over five years, in accordance with university regulations (this promotion can be postponed).
Application deadline: 5:00 PM, Monday, September 30, 2024.
東京都小金井市中町2-24-16 最寄り駅:JR東小金井
Place of work:Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16, Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588 Nearest station:JR Higashi-Koganei station
Starting date:April 1st, 2025, or the earliest possible date thereafter
Number of people to be recruited:1
◆問い合わせ先: u2025-groups*go.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変換してください)
Contact e-mail address: u2025-groups*go.tuat.ac.jp (please change * into @)
詳細情報 (Detail Infomation) "https://tuat-chemphys.net/?p=4612"