Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology

What is JAAST ?
Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (JAAST) was started in 1983 as the research assembly regarding to aerosol studies or topics within universities, institutions, companies, etc. In 1992, JAAST was changed to form as a research society or association regarding to aerosol science and technology in Japan. JAAST aims to:

1. Communicate on an interdisciplinary basis with members in various field (physical, chemical, biological, medical, etc.)
2. Promote all scientific branches of aerosol research,
3. Promote by means of meetings and publications the spread of information and to make available a pool of expert knowledge,
4. Encourage international co-operation,
5. Encourage investment in aerosol research.

Since 1983, JAAST has an annual symposium on aerosol science and technology. Aerosol researches presented and discussed there have various areas from basic science to applied technology such as particle, environment, medicine, meteorology, material, clean technology, etc. JAAST is a member of the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) and co-operates with other national or international bodies which have an interest in aerosol science and technology.

[new] About JAAST

[new] Membership Application (pdf) / (MS-Word)

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